Blizzard still wants to get World of Warcraft running on iPhone

By Alex Donaldson

Senior Producer on World of Warcraft John Lagrave has told Eurogamer that the company is still keen to try to make the MMO work on Apple’s industry-changing mobile device.

“Here’s your platform, you’ve got to put an interface, what do you do?” he asked Eurogamer speculatively last week, using his own iPhone as an example.

“So yes we have [looked into mobile] and we always are. Maybe we’ll stumble on the great way to put WOW on the phone – maybe we won’t, but we’re certainly looking into it.”

He goes on to outline how different aspects of World of Warcraft – such as fishing or the upcoming Mists of Pandaria’s expansion’s pet battles – would be more suited to phone-based play than others.

Players can already check the auction house or armoury via phone, but actually playing a version of the game is the next step for the company.

“We won’t do it until we think it’s decent,” he explained. “But it’s interesting and the world is evolving towards that little handheld device – I’d have fun on it, that’s absolutely the case. It would be foolish for any game developer to not be looking at that and we’re not – we don’t think – we’re foolish!”
