'Hunger Games' Stars Think Their Movie Is Better Than 'Twilight'

Desi Jedeikin

OH SNAP! The cast of The Hunger Games are getting all up in Twilight's grill!  They are pretty much said in a recent interview that they think their movie is like WAY better than Twilight. No offense cast of  The Hunger Games but...NO SH*T!

One gets knocked up. One knocks the F#*k out of everyone who tries to to kill her.


Now the first slam is a little subtle. In the interview cast member Liam Hemsworth says, "It's a very different story about freedom and standing up for what you believe in. It's not presented in a sexy way."

Bella's like I'm standing up for what I believe in! She wants to be the docile, expressionless wife dependent on her sparkly vampire hubby to save her pasty ass time and time again. Boy I'd love to see her thrown in the Hunger Games arena.


Then Elizabeth Banks, who plays Effie Trinket, kicks it up a notch. "What are the stakes in Twilight? Like "I don't know...should I marry this werewolf?" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love her. I can NOT wait to see The Hunger Games!! I'm like a Twihard about it. TEAM PEETA!


Now The Hunger Games has already eclipsed (see what I did there?) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in first day advanced ticket sales. But can it beat Twilight in the overall box office game? To me it is meaningless. You just know The Hunger Games will do banging box office even if it's no as much as Twilight and it will, artistically-speaking, be the superior movie. The Hunger Games is taking over from Harry Potter as the movie franchise that is WAY better than Twilight. Hunger Games got your back Potter!


Do you think The Hunger Games will be better than Twilight? I honestly don't think it's possible for it to be worse...SORRY TWIHARDS! Tell me what you think @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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