How The Incredible Hulk Deals With Life's Daily Travails

Daniel Dominguez

The Incredible Hulk is part of America's elite evil fighting team: The Avengers. As a key member of The Avengers the Hulk is responsible for solving many of the central crises of our day. From what to do about the bloodshed in Syra, to the stalled  Israel/Palestine negotations, to making sure Dr. Doom doesn't develop a ray that allows him to de-evolve back into apes, the Hulk must use all of his finesse and acumen to keep us safe. But what about himself? Hulk, like anybody else, has his only daily issues to deal with. And what exactly are his solutions for the day to day problems that he, like we all, has to face?


Not Being Able To Find His Sock In The Morning




Out Of Milk For His Cereal




Traffic On The Way To Work




Favorite Chipotle Near His Work Closed For Repairs




Modern Family Is A Rerun




Everything In Hulk's House Is Smashed From His Reaction To Problems




New Dental Floss Brand He's Trying Isn't As Effective As Old Brand


Hulk deals with this issue by reminding himself that taking chances and trying new things is the only way to learn new things. While he is frustrated at the lack of quality of the new dental floss he reminds himself that necessarily trying new things does not always go as planned, and that he should learn from this experience, but not let it deter him from trying new things in the future. He continues to use this new dental floss, after all, waste not want not. Then he finishes up and moves forward with getting ready for bed.


How else does Hulk deal with problems he faces in his day to day life? Let us know in the comments!


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