Levine: Much of BioShock Infinite has been kept secret from the public, development team

By Stephany Nunneley

Ken Levine has said he’s kept much regarding BioShock Infinite secret from the public in order not to ruin the experience before the game releases. In fact, he’s even gone so far as to keep parts of it secret from his team at Irrational.

Speaking with PSM3, Levine said such constraint was not put upon him by 2K, as no one at the company has told him what he can and cannot say regarding the game.

“I’m fortunate in the sense that nobody is telling me what I can and can’t say at the company,” he said. “I’m very lucky that I don’t have to deal with that. I’m the one who makes the decisions on what we reveal and when.

“I think I would rather err on telling too little than too much, because you don’t want to ruin it for people. The way we develop, even most of the team here doesn’t know large chunks of the story. I want to preserve them, and observe them observing those parts of the story so I can see their reactions. Keeping people virgins to that content is really important because you never get that reaction from someone the second time.”

He has also kept a tight reign on what journalists are allowed to see, an has so far denied any sort of hands-on with the title.

“We actually had somebody come recently to us – a journalist – and say: ‘Can we get our hands on it? Can we play it?’ And I said ‘no’ because right now it’s like handing somebody a chessboard with two rooks, a knight and the queen, and saying, ‘Here it is, it’s chess.’ And it’s not, because it’s missing those vital pieces,” he explained.

That being said, don’t expect any big reveals of the game at E3 either, unless he changes his mind in the meantime.

The entire article can be read over on CVG, and mind you, some parts may be spoileriffic if you’ve been trying to remain in the dark as much as possible. Too late for us, but not for you.

BioShock Infinite releases October 16 in the US and October 19 in the UK on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
