Photoshop Disasters: Too Many Already!


Ever wondered what it might look like to have a few extra fingers or even hands might look like? Take a look below for 10 Photoshop manipulations that went a little too far.  


Photoshop Disasters

Play Guitar: Digital Dischord


Photoshop Disasters

Dutch National Ballet: 238th Position!

"No wonder she always wins the ballet-offs."


Photoshop Disasters

Domino's: They're Called Fingers But I've Never Seen 'Em Fing


Photoshop Disasters

NW: It's Not Right But It's OK


Photoshop Disasters

Oslo Grand Prix: Horserse


Photoshop Disasters Four Armed Is Forewarned


Photoshop Disasters

The Sunset: Tatooine's Best Restaurant


Photoshop Disasters

The Star: Back Handed


Photoshop Disasters

Sin Mordaza: Polydactylyficationization


Photoshop Disasters

Tuttosport: Insert Severed Hand Joke Here



To see more Photoshop Fails be sure and check out Photoshop Disasters!
