Should Facebook Raise Its Minimum Age Requirement?

Desi Jedeikin

Another Facebook-related poll has been done and this time the questions were regarding Facebook's minimum age requirement. Nearly 50% of those surveyed thought the minimum age requirement should be higher than 13. 19% of those who thought it should be higher, wanted to see it raised to 18! Teen life with no Facebook??? How would that even be possible?? I mean, I know I would totally miss all of my little cousin's totally 'hilarious' updates and dingbatty responses to world news. Sorry, cuz!


Although I pretty much expected that people would want the age raised or kept the same, I was surprised that such a high percentage wanted it lowered! 13% of those polled said that the age should be lowered to 10-12 and 5% though 7-9 was perfectly acceptable. Did they let 7-9 year olds participate in this poll??  Does anyone really need to be bombarded with updates about Webkinz and Club Penguin requests?


I'm pretty sure we're all aware of people who joined Facebook before they were13, either with parental permission or by being a sneaky little tweener. But you know the age of 13 isn't just a random number Facebook pulled out of a hat, I'm sure they'd love to have more users.  The minimum age requirement is necessitated by child privacy laws. So you have to BY LAW wait until you're 13 to act like a fool on Facebook.  And then you can continue acting the fool for the rest of your life. Why the rush??


So stop trying to grow up so fast, under 13 year olds!  On Facebook and IRL. And not just for Pedobear's sake!


What do you think?  Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out School Punishes Girl For Mean Comments On Facebook!
