SHOWDOWN: Would You Rather Fight ONE Horse-Sized Duck Or FIFTY Duck-Sized Horses?


Life is about hard decisions… In and out classic or animal-style?  BBQ or Honey Mustard with your McNuggets? Damon or Stefan?? But now you must face an even more EPIC choice in this showdown classic---Would You Rather Fight ONE Horse-Sized Duck Or FIFTY Duck-Sized Horses? GAH!


50 Duck-Sized Horses

purple lightsaber


One duck-sized horse sounds like an adorable pet. In fact imma ask the Easter Bunny to bring me one next week I think. But 50 of those little buggers trying to trample me down, baring their bitty little horse teeth and scaring the beejeebus out of me with their crazy mutant Sarah Jessic Parker ways? Shudder!


One Horse-Sized Duck

portal gun replica


Okay...I may be swaying the vote here with a pic showing multiple Horse-sized ducks, but you can't tell me this would be any less scary with just one of those freaks of nature chasing you down! Honestly one look at these and I don't think I'll ever be able to eat a peep again! I'm too afraid their horse-sized mama peep will gobble me up like the all the leftover black jelly beans!

So which one will it be? The Horse-Sized Duck or the FIFTY Duck-Sized Horses?? Choose wisely and VOTE in the poll below!


Check Out Last Week's SHOWDOWN!
