Sorcery: Sony’s “mandate” was “to make an iconic game” for Move, says The Workshop

By Stephany Nunneley

During a Move-centric GDC panel, president and co-founder of The Workshop, Peter Akemann, noted the team’s Sorcery title had been in development for three years and due to the reception it received at E3 2010, Sony “doubled down” on the game which led to a change in nature and direction thus becoming a ‘killer app’ for Move.

Akemann also said Sony’s “mandate” with Sorcery was “to make an iconic game” for Move, and presented conceptual slides of the “winners” and “losers” during the development process.

Winners was “Avatar Animation,” which made “1-to-1” control possible; “Analog Aiming” is accomplished in real-space without the needs for a cursor; and “Simple Gesture Recognition” was another winner and one of the possible stand-outs from the firm’s debut title.

The “losers” consisted of a cursor the team just could get to work at all, and a “fuzzy gesture recognition” which, according to the stage presentation, seems to have been resolved, said IGN.

Akemann concluded his talk stating PlayStation Move is “an elegant device,” and could become a “serious gaming device” if given proper attention, yet there’s always “the lazy gamer” which lacks the desire to move around, and “if you’re not making games for those guys, you’re not making games.”

Sorcery will hit stores in North America on May 22 and in Europe on May 23.
