Taturday! Leprechauns!

Mikey McCollor

This week is St. Patrick's Day, the time of the year when we all wear green and get pretty lucky. Don't you wish that feeling could last year round? Well it could if you'd take the plunge o' the Irish and get a leprechaun tattoo! Like these people:

South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


South Park tattoo


Which one is the worst? Which is the best leprechaun? Tell us in the comments below!


Check out last Taturday!
