WTF Clothing Tags [Pics]


I put on my shirt (I only have one) every day and it NEVER says anything interesting on the tag. Maybe something about "not dry cleaning" but WHO CARES? Now these launrdy tags have something exciting to say...


funny clothing tag wash your butt


funny clothing tag give it to mother


funny clothing tag tested on animals top gear


funny clothing tag engrish coleslaw


funny clothing tag wash when dirty


funny clothing tag yes no


funny clothing tag clean no dry clean


funny clothing tag no chicken


funny clothing tag laundry keeps women busy


funny clothing tag do not use as pants


funny clothing tag furry clean


funny clothing tag try on a small it'll be funny


funny clothing tag run away spoon


funny clothing tag dry fly


funny clothing tag shiloh is a pretty name


funny clothing tag puddles


funny clothing tag smile face


funny clothing tag fruit salad is a healthy snack


funny clothing tag sexist


funny clothing tag domo



Have you ever had a funny tag on your clothing? Let us know below!

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