Charley Feldman
The 90s revival bringeth many a splendored thing. Nicktoons, the Pulp reunion (look it up kids) and babydoll dresses with combat boots. But with every retrending comes the seedy underbelly. Some on this list are kitschy enough to be charming (Spice Girls), others simply should not be.
Wearing your shirt like a skirt
New Kids On The Block (and Backstreet Boys)
Stupid puffy shirts
That hat Blossom wore
Nose piercings attached to ear piercings
American Pie
Jared Leto
White people wearing dreads
Long jean skirts
Hip hop versions of cartoons
Newt Gingrinch
The Spice Girls
Justin Timberlake's old hair
Stupid bellbottoms
Muppet-fur jackets
Putting the Simpsons on everything
Body glitter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Any 90s things you feel are bitchin’ enough to come back? Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments. Or whatever.
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