EVE Fanfest attendees to get first access to Dust 514 beta

By Johnny Cullen

Dust 514 beta’s first players will consist of those who attended EVE Fanfest in March, CCP has said.

It admitted, however, it has players already going through it right now in the form of SCEE’s EU Beta Trial Testers group.

“Eve players who we gave keys to at FanFest, they’ll be the first people in the door,” lead producer Kristoffer Touborg said in a Eurogamer interview.

“We do have some PSN users in now. We had some Eve players ask, well, why are they getting first dibs on it?

“They’re not people we’ve preferred because they’re some marketing partner or something. The people we have in the game now are essentially volunteer testers. They’re basically the first people PlayStation throws at a new product.

We have our own group called Bug Hunters, which is 100 or so volunteers who do a lot of our groundwork on new stuff. This is basically PlayStation’s equivalent of that. So the people we have in now aren’t necessarily there because we wanted to give them a beta key first. These are the people PlayStation throws at new things to test before everyone else does.

“It’s not a beta as much as, this is the first public thing and we sent the people who always break things at it first.”

And now you know why you haven’t seen a public beta yet. Best start scratching your way into SCEE’s beta group, then.

The MMOFPS launches on PS3 later this year.
