French gaming tax breaks extended through 2017

By Brenna Hillier

The European Commission will continue to offer a 20% tax rebate to French developers who can demonstrate their games have cultural significance

Previously, the tax rebate was expected to end in late 2011. GamesIndustry reports the EC has now extended the arrangement through 2017.

Quantic Dreams co-founder Guillaume de Fondaumière, who along with the European Games Developer Foundation played a key role in securing the initial deal, welcomed the “important resolution” for the industry, as the EC’s decision in France may speed similar schemes in britain and beyond.

“It will allow France to pursue a scheme that has proven very successful, in particular to relocate creative forces that had left the country. But more importantly for Europe as a whole, I hope that this extended window will now encourage other countries such as the United Kingdom to quickly put in place similar measures,” he said.

“Through this decision, the Commission has also confirmed the legitimacy of games as a form of cultural expression, putting video games on equal footing with films or books.”

Thanks largely to the efforts of local trade organisation TIGA, the UK has been promised a similar deal.

