“Linking issue” blamed for Hitler and Aryan rock band videos showing up on COD Elite

By Stephany Nunneley

Activision has released a statement regarding videos of Hitler showing up as staff picks on Call of Duty Elite’s Theater pages.

According to the firm, a “linking issue” on the site led to videos linked by COD Elite users GhostOfTheReich and laliludo, which showed archival World War II footage of Adolf Hitler and another of a music video by Aryan rock group Final War, respectively.

For over a week Elite users have been complaining about the videos, of which Activision told Kotaku were “in no way an Elite staff pick, but rather a linking issue that has since been remedied by the Elite Live Operations and Beachhead team.”

“Material of this nature does not belong on Elite and we are working to prevent these types of issues from happening in the future,” said the company in a statement. “The content originated on a third-party video hosting site, a fix has since been pushed and we expect to see a solution this morning.

“Elite reserves the right to ban users who violate the Call of Duty Elite terms of service and code of conduct.”
