Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut to provide “a sense of personalization with the endings”

By Stephany Nunneley

During a Mass Effect 3 panel at PAX East, BioWare producer Mike Gamble said the game’s Extended Cut DLC would provide players with “a sense of personalization with the endings.”

“Many people mentioned that some of the choices they made in the game are not necessarily reflected in the ending scenes,” said Gamble. “We’re definitely going to focus on things like that. We want to make sure that when you see the ending of Mass Effect, you now have the information and context to be satisfied.”

The content will include more than “just a few cinematic scenes,” he said, noting that the cinematics and writing teams are “building it” at the moment and things are “coming together.”

However, Gamble said that while the writing team still “stands by” the ending it created, despite being “proud of” the finished product it was important to “listen to the community.”

“A lot of that feedback didn’t come until the game came out, once we were listening we decided to include the extended cut,” he said. “It wasn’t in the game because we didn’t know there was such a huge demand for it, to be honest with you.”

The DLC was announced last week with BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka commenting that with Extended Cut, “we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe.”

Look for it this summer.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
