SHOWDOWN: Who Would Win In A Fight: One Direction Or Justin Bieber With A Chainsaw?


Life is about hard decisions and I don't like those kind of decisions. They make me itchy. But now we must face a truly EPIC choice in this week's showdown--Who Would Win In A Fight: One Direction Or Justin Bieber With A Chainsaw ? GAH!


One Direction

portal gun replica


One Direction. A manufactured boy band. I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean they have like x-ray vision or mechanical body parts. They're just a bunch of smooth skinned fem-boys who bust mechanical dance moves while 'singing' soul-crushingly insipid pop music. BUT there are five of them. Justin will not know who to lay his chainsaw into first.


Justin Bieber With A Chainsaw

purple lightsaber


Justin Bieber with a chainsaw. It's like a literal interpretation of what I hear when his music is playing. I would give up in two seconds, but New Direction are hungry.  They want what Justin has. Fame. Fortune. The world's most annoying fanbase. But Justin wants to prove something to the world once and for all. HE HAS BALLS. We'll see,  baby.


So which one will it be? One Direction Or Justin Bieber With A Chainsaw? Choose wisely and VOTE in the poll below!


Check Out Last Week's SHOWDOWN!
