Trailer For 'Snooki And JWoww' Released!

Desi Jedeikin

The new Jersey Shore Spin-off trailer has arrived and to be fair, it's not even close to being the scariest arrival happening this year. I think we all know what's at the top of the 'scary wtf arrival list' I right?

snooki jwoww trailer


The show, reportedly titled Snooki and JWoww Vs. The World, will focus on the two BFFs and their adventures after they decide to move into together. But hold up y'all! I think we all know the plans for a jaeger-fueled, fist-pumping, inappropriate smooshing, party house were quickly deflated after Snooki shocked the sane world and announced that she was knocked up. "Honestly I really didn't know that I could make a baby," Snooki says, "so the fact that I can reproduce is very scary." Sometimes she seems so coherent. Bottomline, she'll still be throwing up every morning, but it'll be due to high levels of pregnancy hormones and not Long Island Ice Teas. Her fetus hopes.

snooki jwoww trailer


Since partying is pretty much out, the focus will shift more to the relationships between the two 'ladies' and their long-suffering, I mean longterm sweethearts, Jionni and Roger, with plenty of baby stuff, including Snooki's first ultrasound, thrown into the mix. But mostly it's about friendship. Cause friendship is magic. "Me and Jenni have the rest of our lives to stick our heads up Jionni and Roger's asses," Snook says. "This is the time for us to enjoy life as best friends." I couldn't have said it classier myself. 

snooki jwoww trailer


And perhaps the show's biggest selling point...NO SAMMI!!

snooki jwoww trailer


Here's a looksie at the trailer:

Will you watch? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out What We Can Expect From Snooki's Baby Product Line!
