By Debabrata Nath
Microsoft’s announced an Xbox 360 Triple Play promotion which can net you 300 Mircrosoft points for free this April.
The event requires Live users to take part in one activity from each of the various categories which are part of the promotion.
The event is part of the Xbox Rewards Scheme, which awards gamers Microsoft points for taking part in surveys, renewing their Gold memberships, etc. You can sign up over here.
All categories and activities for the promotional are listed below.
- Play a Kinect game for two hours
- Play online via Xbox Live for 10 hours
- Spend 800 Points or more on game-related items (Games on Demand, DLC, XBLA, etc.)
- Spend 400 Points or more on any film or TV content
- Use one of the following apps for 10 hours: BBC iPlayer, blinkbox, Crackle, Last.FM, LOVEFiLM, MUZU, Netflix, Sky, VEVO or Zune
- Use Facebook on Xbox Live for one hour
- Use YouTube on Xbox Live for one hour
- Use Video Kinect on Xbox Live for one hour
Seems easy enough. Start taking part now to secure your free points.
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