Pictures to Steal: V 85


When you round up your friends by your locker and bunch them in real tight so now one else can see, you show 'em these pics. They'll think you're pretty cool. They don't have to know that it was okay for you to steal them in the first place! Make sure you don't tell them! This is how you get cool!

juan direction

peeta cake

cow tired pun

angry chicken

camel wants to go dancing

angry fish

internet and tacos


(via Tink7123 on Tumblr)


ghost face

scary dockers wearing guy

ghost eggs

duck with flowers

ass hole

interesting man smosh

(via filmslammer on Tumblr)

clos enough mcburgers

llama talyor lautner

Which one is the best? Why not submit your own at the Smosh tumblr?


Click here for more pictures to steal!
