SHOWDOWN: What's Your Favorite Will Smith Alien Movie? ID4 OR Men In Black?


One thing I know for sure...people love themselves some Will Smith! How else do you explain the popularity of his children? I mean they must love him a lot to accept those little brats into the entertainment fold. But what is your favorite Will Smith fighting aliens movie? That's something I don't know for sure. It's like Sophie's Choice meets badass alien fighting. WHO WILL YOU SAVE? Or choose. PREPARE FOR BATTLE!


Men In Black

hungry hippos movie


Agent J and Agent K are friggin' badass. And I think we can all agree that it would be incredibly useful to have a neuralyzer at our disposal. Come to think of it...that would be an excellent Facebook app. This movie has it all--- aliens, witty dialogue and a nice twist on the buddy cop genre. Plus they look really cool. Yes, Will, you do make this look good. And Tommy Lee Jones is not too shabby either.


Independence Day

candyland movie


This movie made Will Smith a star, baby! It also redefined the idea of the summer blockbuster. Plus you get to see the White House BLOWING UP! Did we mention Jeff Goldblum? I like that guy. Will and Jeff are funny together when they're saving the world. WHO'S THE MAN? You both are!

So which movie would you give the green light to? Choose wisely and VOTE in the poll below!


Check Out Last Week's SHOWDOWN!
