Taturday! Badly Drawn Tattoos!

Mikey McCollor

You know in, like, 6th grade when you take those career aptitude tests? Some people got "tattoo artist", but did not realize that they weren't required to become tattoo artists. Guys, those are just suggestions! If you don't see some other work your tattoo artist has done, you're going to end up with a tattoo that looks like someone screwed up at Pictionary.

military guy tattoo


bad eight ball tattoo


weird dinosaur tattoo


bad bird tattoo


band name tattoo


prom couple tattoo


weird pirate tattoo


gross animal tattoo


stick family tattoo


mcdonaldsmessage tattoo


prom people tattoo


awful tiger tattoo


bays face tattoo


awful horse tattoo


zombie gnome tattoo


egg people tattoo


gross kid tattoo


bad skeleton tattoo


Which is the worst offender? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out last Taturday!
