20 Rejected 'Game Over' Screens

Francesco Marciuliano

Not every game ends on a happy note.


game over screen tetris gameboy


game over screen oregon trail tombstone


game over screen Zelda II


game over screen mortal kombat


game over screen punch out


game over screen missile command the end


game over screen red text stripping


game over screen Mario gameboy color


game over screen defender space blue text


game over screen blood splatter body briefcase


game over screen dead alive woman


game over screen green text black background


game over screen joust


game over screen Dracula victim


game over screen paper mario


game over screen floating body continue retry


game over screen ghostbusters II skyline


game over screen three options


game over screen that was brutal


game over screen destroyed city pong


Why do genitals make you cry so much? Let us know in the comments!


Check out these Hilarious Video Game Motivators!
