Best of the 'Oh God Why' Guy!

Mikey McCollor

Sometimes, it's cathartic to release your most embarrassing moments out into the world. But that usually means like, telling a therapist or a hobo without a tounge—don't tell the internet. Then everyone will know! Oh God. Why?


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


oh god why guy meme


Which one was most embarrassing? Let me know on Twitter @mikeyfromsu or leave a comment below!

Check out the Unhelpful High School Teacher!
