Console Wars: a lovely pissing contest that even the most neutral of us have been dragged into on occasion, now has an infographic.
Thanks to, we can now look at the cold hard (sort of) facts when it comes to PS3 vs Xbox 360.
Now that the introduction is out of the way, here is a handy dandy VG247 disclaimer: not only are we 1,000 + infinity percent neutral when it comes to any console, format or preference, the information in the graphic is by no means 100% accurate.
Some information was pulled from official Sony and Microsoft figures, while some other bits were pulled from VG Chartz; therefore, we cannot guarantee the vailidity of anything posted in the infographic – we just thought it was a bit fun for a boring Saturday.
Enjoy, and don’t start whipping it out in the comments section. Keep it PG.
Thanks, D’toid.
Header image courtesy of Erthazus.
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