Snoop Dogg Busted...FOR WEED??

Desi Jedeikin

In what has to be the most SHOCKING news story of the millennium, The Doggfather, Snoop Dogg, was detained by authorities in Norway for possession of...wait for it...MARIJUANA!!! I know break out the smelling salts and try to recover from your fainting spell.  

 snoop dogg steak

It's more shocking that someone so slender can pound down an 8 pound rib-eye. I wonder where his insatiable hunger comes from? Oh nevermind...


The really sad part is that it was  a member of the dog pound who sniffed his crime out. Well, if you count a drug-sniffing dog as one of his posse.  Which I do cause I have it on good authority that dogs are total stoners. How else do you explain the fact that I once knew a dog who ate a whole honey-baked ham and a basket of crescent rolls one Christmas dinner? Trust me you do not know the meaning of 'toxic fart' until you live through that particular Christmas hell.

stoner dog meme


The funny part is that the weed wasn't even what eventually got him in trouble! Once he was stopped for the weed, customs found that Snoop was within the legal limit (gotta love Europe!) but was over the legal limit as far as how much cash he was allowed to carry. He was fined nearly $9,000.00 dollars. I'm assuming he paid cash.  Snoop is a total HIGH roller!!

snoop dogg martha stewart


Snoop, who was in Norway to headline the Hove Music Festival, ended up being 5 hours late to the event due to the customs kerfuffle. He was asked about why he was late in an interview with a local news outlet and was completely NOT chill about it. 

"Man, shut the f--k up," barked the Dogg, "I'm here…be happy I'm here and ask some real questions." 

Cause Snoop is for sure someone to be taken I right?

snoop dogg count costume weed


When the reporter pressed for more info, Snoop replied, "I was late 'cause I went to go get some chicken wings…'cause I wanted to see Norway up close and personal, and visit an old folks' home. I went to visit a convalescent home. That's why I was late."  Sounds legit.

Before storming out he stated, "I don't party…get this mothaf--ka outta here."  You heard it here first folks!  Snoop don't party! Mmmmhmmm.

snoop dogg weed


Are you SHOCKED? Let me know what you think @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 20 Celebs Busted For Weed!
