20 Cartoon Character Bumper Stickers!

Francesco Marciuliano

To celebrate the premiere of three new Shut Up! Cartoons this week, we're celebrating CARTOON WEEK on Smosh.com! Don't forget to subscribe!

Even cartoon characters have something say when driving around town to go shopping or meet their parole officer.


cartoon character bumper sticker skipper penguin


cartoon character bumper sticker dora the explorer


cartoon character bumper sticker fred flintstone


cartoon character bumper sticker spongebob


cartoon character bumper sticker rugrats


cartoon character bumper sticker fry futurama


cartoon character bumper sticker Kenny south park


cartoon character bumper sticker bart simpson


cartoon character bumper sticker peter griffin


cartoon character bumper sticker scrappy doo


cartoon character bumper sticker American dad


cartoon character bumper sticker adventure time


cartoon character bumper sticker mickey mouse


cartoon character bumper sticker fairy oddparents


cartoon character bumper sticker Woodstock peanuts


cartoon character bumper sticker mater cars


cartoon character bumper sticker regular show


cartoon character bumper sticker perry platypus


cartoon character bumper sticker master shake


cartoon character bumper sticker jetsons car


Which bumper sticker was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out Idiotic Bumper Stickers Explain Who You Really Are!
