26 Badass Sand Sculptures

Zach Ames

Oh, nice bucket. You gonna make a sandcastle? Oh, you did? Well, it looks terrible. You're pathetic attempt at making a sandcastle is insulting to real artists who actually make art. Here are the Most Badass Sandcastles!


monster skeleton sandcastle



lion sandcastle



davinci sandcastle



animal band sandcastle



asian warrior sandcastle



jar jar and enemy mine sandcastle



face palm sandcastle



teletubbie sandcastle



king midas sandcastle



spider sandcastle



fat man eating sandcastle



shakespeare sandcastle



gulliver sandcastle



pinhead from hellraiser sandcastle



harry potter sandcastle



decaying ruins sandcastle



lizard monster sandcastle



bookworms sandcastle



king kong sandcastle



flea circus



lion king sandcastle



devil head sandcastle



rio sandcastle



sunhead sandcastle



sea monster sandcastle



worlds tallest sandcastle



Why hasn't anyone made any awesome Pokemon sandcastles? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out 24 Spectacular Sand Scupltures!
