Assassin’s Creed III Comic Con panel provides fresh look at Boston

By Brenna Hillier

You may consider yourself justifiably replete with footage of Connor in Boston, but just in case you’re not, Ubisoft has released a full video of its San Diego Comic Con panel, which includes a good five minutes of live gameplay.

Creative Director Alex Hutchinson was in attendance to lead the panel; he chats a bit with the presenter and answer a few audience questions, but it’s nothing mind-blowing. Skip through to about 12:00 to see the gameplay demo kick off, showing off the rope dart; a new blend zone; combat; pass-throughs; and using the bow to lure guards, among other delights you might have missed elsewhere.

Assassin’s Creed III launches on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in October, on PC before Christmas, and on Wii U at some unspecified date. Vita tie-in Liberation launches in late October.
