No need for malaria pills or rustoleum in Far Cry 3

By Stephany Nunneley

Far Cry 3 producer Dan Hay has said you won’t need to worry about taking any malaria pills this time out, and your guns will no longer rust.

Speaking with Kotaku, Hay dropped a few more details on what is and isn’t in the third entry into the franchise. Here’s what we found out by reading the article:

  • The friend system isn’t back.
  • Fire propagation is back.
  • A fast-travel system has been implemented.
  • People stay dead so when you “own an area, you own the area.”
  • Guns will no longer rust.
  • No malaria-pills required.
  • The game’s map is an archipelago so, the single-player campaign is on one island; the four-player co-op on another; the PvP is on yet another.
  • The in-game editor lets you build you own islands and maps.

There ya go. There’s also a few choice quotes on the game through the link if you feel like clicking.

Far Cry 3 hits December 4 in the United States and November 28 in Europe.
