Did you know break-ups are hard? It’s true! But don’t just lie in the fetal position, a pale excuse of your former self, and watch Friday Night Lights on Netflix with a palette of ice cream comingling with your snotty tears. Get up, shake it and get back on with your life. Here are some suggestions to help you dance away the 5 stages of grief. And a one, and a two and a…
Human League- Don’t you Want Me
This section is brought to you by the 80s.
Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart
Or as you probably know it, that song from Donnie Darko. Whatever gets you there kids, just stick around to listen to their contemporaries while you’re there.
Cee Lo – F$#% You
Sigh. I tried to do a list without this song. But frankly, when you think of a recent dance song about an angry break up, this is it. Let the Human Ewok soothe your savage wookie.
The Walkmen - The Rat
You may not understand the power of this song if you’re in a great mood. But, I guarantee when you are three shades of pissed the f%$# off at someone and you play this the catharsis will flow like the mighty Mississipp.
Jackson 5 – I Want You Back
It’s a classic, that’s why they play it at Bar Mitzvahs.
Mike Posner – Please Don’t Go
I’ve never heard this song or this Mike Posner cat but it had 27 million views and filled out this section. Maybe one of you likes it, I don’t know. But it’s got a beat and you can dance to it.
Kanye West – Heartless
To pare your salty tears with your fish sticks.
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
If you consider stumbling left and right drunkenly and sobbing about the past dancing, and I do, this is your song.
Lilly Allen –Smile
When it comes to the dancey break-up tune, you tend to get more, “drop the mic, I’m out” songs than not. So instead of limiting this section, enjoy all the songs and dance on the grave of love’s lost. Forever alone, together!
Team Dresch – Freewheel
Rilo Kiley- Breakin Up
Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive
N’Sync – Bye Bye Bye
What songs have helped during a bad break-up through the power of dance? Dance party in the comments (If we sweat enough nobody will see our tears)!
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