24 Geeky Awesome Backpacks!

Zach Ames

In school, your backpack is the biggest statement you can make about yourself. They can tell you how to dress. They can tell you what to say. BUT THEY CAN NEVER TELL YOU HOW TO BACKPACK! Here are some awesome backpacks.


r2d2 backpack



tmnt backpack



yoshi backpack



guitar backpack



dragon backpack



boba fett backpack



nintendo controller backpack



tardis backpack



ewok head backpack




fractal backpack



steampunk 1 backpack



chewbacca backpack



ghostbuster proton pack backpack



lego backpack



medieval punk backpack



stay puft backpack



devil wings backpack



steampunk 2 backpack



atat backpack



scifi backpack



gameboy backpack



beetle backpack



batman backpack



Which backpack would you want to wear? What are some other things that would make cool backpacks? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


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