Director Joss Wedon Back For Avengers 2, Marvel TV Show!

Mikey McCollor

It was announced yesterday by Walt Disney Co. CEO Robert Iger that Avengers director Joss Whedon will be coming back in 2014 for the sequel. This greast news for everybody, because if there's one thing the internet loves, it's Joss Wedon.

joss whedon comic convention

And if there's one thing Disney executives love, it's money.

bussinessman counting money

In addition to the film, Whedon will also create a TV show based in the Marvel universe. It'll be interesting to see what kind of adventures The Avengers get into with a TV budget since they can't afford to have aliens blow up New York City every week.

the avengers
This week, Captain America discovers Ashley's
been cheating on him and Iron Man has to protect
an egg like a baby to pass Health class!


And this news, while not necessarily unexpected, is sure to bring a huge sigh of relief from Marvel fans. Let's be honest, with all those characters, all those plot threads, and the overall weirdness of mashing together different superhero worlds, The Avengers should have fallen apart. But Joss Whedon proved to be every bit as vital to that movie as Robert Downey Jr. and, uh, Hulk Actor combined.

smiling mark ruffalo
"It's cool man. I know my name's not Hulk Actor."

Whedon's deft handling of character, pathos, metaphor, and humor held that movie together. Without Joss Whedon, The Avengers would've been as frantic and nonsensical as Super Smash Bros. except with less likable characters and a few more explosions. Although, it still wouldn't have had Marth, so there's that.

marth smash bros
Nick Fury would never recruit Marth.

How excited are you for The Avengers 2? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


Check out The Avengers if they were Real People!
