Lady Gaga Recording New Album... In The Nude???

Mikey McCollor

It's so often we hear about Lady Gag doing something rebellious. From wearing a Muppet dress to showing up to the Gerammys in an egg to feeding Drake at the VMAs, Lady Gaga does what she wants, when she wants.

gaga feeding drake
It may not seem that rebellious until you remember that Drake was on time out!

And now Gaga has made another defiant, marching-to-the-beat-of-her-own-drum sort of choice: She's going to sing all the vocals for her new album, ARTPOP, completely naked.

gaga naked
You're on the right track, baby.

“She has been recording vocals while she’s been completely starkers. She thinks it makes her voice sound better" a source said to The Sun. It sounds like Gaga had one great recording session while she was nude and hopes to continue that success by making it into a ritual.

The disconnect here is that causation does not necessarily imply correlation. She might have sung phenomenally without getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers. But the truth is, creative work is fickle. The danger in ritual is when we decide not to work when the ritual fails. If Lady Gaga couldn't get naked because an Irish priest was touring the recording studio it'd be awful to hear her say "Ohp, there's an Irish Priest in the studio, can't sing today."

nice priest

But maybe Gaga will be fine. Plenty of sports stars have had a ritual. Baseball great Jason Giambi used to wear a gold thong whenever he got into a hitting slump. Former NHL goalie Patrick Roy used to thank the posts of the goal whenever they deflected a puck.

bus accident
And Michael Jordan always used to crash the team bus on the way to the first post-season game, often killing many of his fellow players.

What do you think about Lady Gaga's decision to only sing while nude? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


Check out the 12 most ridiculous Lady Gaga GIFs!
