Man Dies Trying to Make You Believe in Bigfoot

Mikey McCollor

Listen. The search and discovery of Bigfoot is not a task anyone in a position of power is willing to take on. For police, it's a waste of time, and for senators, governors, and the president, it's political suicide. If we're ever going to find Bigfoot, we need to shake everyone from their apathy. We need to show them that Bigfoot exists, that finding him is a cause worth taking up. And that's exactly what Randy Lee Tenley of Kalispell Montana tried to do when he dressed from head to toe in dark camouflage and ran out onto the highway in the middle of the night.

man in camouflage suit
Obviously he was killed.

Tenley wore a Ghille suit, which is essentially full-body camouflage, and ran alongside the road trying to get drivers to call in Bigfoot sightings. He was hit by two cars, both driven by teenage girls, ages 15 and 17. And while it was dumb to run out there in the first place, it was bad luck that there were so many teen girls out that night, because you just know they were texting each other while they were driving.

Well, that isn't fair. EVERYONE texts while they drive now.

texting while driving
It's basically the best time to text.

I feel bad laughing about this guy dying, but come on. There aren't many easier ways to die/ harder ways to prove the existence of a monster than dressing in camouflage at night on the highway. Maybe if you jumped off a building trying to make people think you were the New Jersey Devil.

kid floating in the pool
"Hey, honey? That thing floating face down in the pool for hours? Is that the Loch Ness Monster?"

So now a man is dead, and we're no closer to believing in Bigfoot. In fact, we're further from believing, because now it's been made clear that the only people who would support a cause as crazy as Bigfoot would also dress up in the worst possible costume and do something insanely stupid to make their point. For people like myself, who want so badly to believe in these mysterious, secretive monsters, this is a huge setback. Our symbol of hope has been revealed to be an idiot. It's how the people of Gotham would've felt if they heard Batman died by sending a text while skiing.

gordon blake dark knight rises
"So, death by nuclear bomb then?"


How would you prove to the world that there might be a Bigfoot? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


THERE'S MORE: Could mankind have gotten revenge for this man's death? A hunter claims to have captured and killed Bigfoot, possibly because Tenley was straight-up haunting him.


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