Nintendo to attempt Kirby anniversary World Record at PAX

By Brenna Hillier

Nintendo would like to invite all PAX attendees to be part of a potential bit of history, in honour of Kirby’s 20th anniversary.

I bet you’re expecting to be something like “Longest Kirby Play Session” or “Fastest Kirby Speed Run” but that’s because you, like me, are creatively bankrupt, whereas Nintendo pays a lot of people a lot of money to be the opposite of that, so it’s actually going to be “Most People Blowing a Chewing Gum Bubble Simultaneously”.

That’s a thing. The current record is just 304 people so it seems pretty easy to smash, especially as Ninty is offering loot give aways to lure fans in to the attempt, including the special edition of Kirby’s Dream Collection.

Only those with PAX badges can join in, unfortunately, but if that’s you, head on down to the Expo Hall Queue Area on level four by 1:00PM on Saturday September 1.

Kirby’s Dream Collection launches on Wii on September 16.
