Young Adult Books That Need To Be Movies

Charley Feldman

It is way easier to make a list about the movies that AREN’T being made into films than are (I swear that’s not why this was written, though I am lazy like a fox). Just about every beloved novel, classic to recent, claims to be in some state of production. Highlights include: The Giver, Uglies, City of Bones, A Great and Terrible Beauty, King Dork, The Wolves of Mercy Falls, The Book Thief, and Miss Pergrines Home For Peculiar Children. But even after that sort of stellar list, there are books that either need a reboot or a bootboot to get made. Here are some of our favorites.


His Dark Materials/The Dark is Rising Sequence– Phillip Pullman/Susan Cooper

young adult movies


They aren’t being lumped together for the “Dark” in either title (though there’s no shortage of darkness in either). These two are paired because they were given mind bleaching, embarrassing adaptations that are not only below their source material they should be brought behind the shed and Old Yellered in the face. Ambitious young reader, please grow up and right these wrongs! Wont somebody please think of the adult children?


The Westing Game – Ellen Raskin

young adult movies


Generations worth of love keep this book on the top of reading lists everywhere. It was actually adapted into a play as well as a barely seen TV movie but who cares? It’s time for the great Westing murder mystery to make the jump to the big screen and be the successor to the first (and best) boardgame film adaptation, Clue.


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian – Sherman Alexie

young adult movies


Of all the books I looked into for this list, this is by far my favorite find and the most surprising Hollywood omission. Gritty and genuine in equal measure, this book would be a coming of age story from a group that barely gets any recognition on screen unless they’re played by Johnny Depp.


Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West- Gregory Maguire

young adult movies




Catherine Called Birdy – Karen Cushman

 young adult movies


The feisty heroine and the attention to detail make this YA classic highly adaptable. Birdy may be in another time, but she’s a relatable and sympathetic character that could make a star out of an unknown.


Graceling – Kristin Cashore

young adult movies


The names and sensibilities of Katsa and Katniss are a liiiittle close, but Graceling has charm on its own terms and is a sprawling fantasy to boot. The more young and able female characters that aren’t in expressly codependent relationships with the sparkly undead the better I say.


Leviathan – Scott Westerfeld

young adult movies


The steampunk movement/aesthetic/shiny amusement needs a big budget, live action venture that isn’t Wild Wild West. Though giant spiders shouldn’t necessarily out of the question. Westerfeld wrote the Uglies series, so expect to see this after that gets finished.


Ghostgirl –Tonya Hurley

young adult movies


Cut Burton’s budget and tack a “will not use pointless CG” on his undertaker’s lapel and this would be a spectacular match made in black spiral heaven. It could be like Clueless of the Undead!


What YA novel are you dying to see made into a movie ( I guarantee you wont have to take drastic measures to see most very soon). Let us know your picks in the comments!


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