7 Types Of Photos People Need To Stop Sharing On Facebook

Desi Jedeikin

I think we can all agree that as much fun as Facebook can be, it can also send you into an annoyance-induced rage spiral. Especially when it comes to the photos that your 'friends' choose to share. The ducklipped, sexy mirror pics are one thing, but all the jokes, spam and hoaxes are a whole other kind of annoying as friggin' hell thing. Here's a look at 7 types of photos that I pretty much would be happy never to see again.


Incredibly Old 'Jokes'

annoying Facebook photo shares


Here's a good rule to follow. If it came out yesterday, we've already seen it probably fifty times. I know you wanna be funny and you probably think that a lot of your friends haven't seen it yet, but trust me, we have. If you happen to be friends with meemaws and peepaws exclusively, then carry on! I bet you just can't wait to Rickroll them!


Anything Remotely Hoax-y

annoying Facebook photo shares


So let me get this straight, there is a hospital in this world that has a heart and a surgeon ready to go, the only thing they're waiting for is to get enough Facebook photo shares to proceed with life-saving surgery on a baby? I'm no expert on organ donation, but I'm pretty sure this is NOT how it works. That being said, this kind of thing would make an awesome basis for a Hunger Games-esque sci-fi movie. Get on it, Hollywood!


That Friggin' Ugly Ass Shoe Spam

annoying Facebook photo shares


I know it's not technically your fault...but how about changing your Facebook settings so people can't tag you without your permission? Mmmkay? It's a good thing having to approve tags, no pictures of you looking fug and no pictures of you looking like you adore fugly ass shoes.


Animals Who Will Die If We Don't Adopt Them

annoying Facebook photo shares


Don't get me wrong, I love me some animals.  I want them all to live fantastic long lives, but I can't save them all. I understand you have good motivations when you post these pics, but it's hard enough for me to avoid that goddamned In the Arms of An Angel commercial. Do I really need it online too? These pics are like the FB wall equivalent of that!!! Do you know how hard it is to clean snot cry off of your keyboard?


Inspirational Quote

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I don't come to Facebook for inspiration. I go there to share stuff about myself and judge others for sharing to much about themselves. Capisce?


Things That Will Curse Or Kill Me

annoying Facebook photo shares


If you post these kind of pics, I probably, kinda hate you. At least at that moment. Because even though I don't believe my mom will die or I'll be cursed by some chick who looks like she just crawled out of that well in The Ring, I still sit there deliberating doing it for a split second. You know what stops me? The fact that I will be bugging someone else. Bring it on, Ring looking beeyotch!


Anything From George Takei

annoying Facebook photo shares


George Takei is funny. He posts funny things. THAT'S WHY WE ALL SUBSCRIBE TO HIM! SO STOP!

What are some other types of photos you are sick of seeing on Facebook? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out  10 Most Annoying Facebook Photo Cliches!
