8 Downsides to Technology!

Will Weldon

As a culture, we've made a lot of progress over the years. One of the areas of our greatest success has been in the world of technology. And sure, progress seems good. But there are consequences to all of this, horrible, UNFORESEEN consequences. So, here now, are 8 Downsides to Technology:


Medical Procedures

downsides of technology


We may be able to cure more diseases than ever before, but that also means more procedures exist than ever before, which means multiple ways for Hospitals and Doctors to overcharge medical insurers via unnecessary procedures, which then drive up insurance premiums.



downsides of technology


Guys, when you purchase an HD TV... YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LEAVE IT ON THE FACTORY SETTINGS! You know how everything you watch in HD looks like it was filmed on a camcorder? It's not supposed to! You don't dry your hair with the blow dryer on "cool" just because that's what it was set to when it came out of the box, so don't watch TV with it set to "Vivid".


Printing Press

downsides of technology


I think it's great that books are so easy to print, because no it's very easy to own books. However, before books were easy to print, I feel like only the important ones got written. With the ease-of-production in the publishing world, now not only is Twilight being published, but so are second-rate Twilight knock offs (which would make them... what, seventh rate?)



downsides of technology


Phones are now equipped with too many features. True story, I keep my eyes on my phone so much, I recently stumbled into a bottomless chasm. I'm still falling, but I have wi-fi so I could still get this article posted.



downsides of technology


Upside: Now capable of murdering millions of people with the push of a button. Downside: See Upside.



downsides of technology


Before, you could fix a car yourself, because it had "parts" instead of "computers". Now ONLY ANDROIDS CAN REPAIR CARS (or something, I don't know, i haven;t gotten my oil changed in years).


Genetically Modified Foods

downsides of technology


Outside of all the issues over patent laws involving seed companies trying to crush independent farmers, some genetically modified foods have been modified... TO KILL!!!!


downsides of technology


Outside of all the issues over patent laws involving seed companies trying to crush independent farmers, some genetically modified foods have been modified... TO KILL!!!!


What other arrogant gestures will be our downfall? Let us know in the comments!


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