So recently it’s come to light that facebook timeline is, for some reason, displaying private messages on your public timeline. While this has the potential to be incredibly embarrassing, it forced me to go back and read a lot of these old messages. And I realized, a lot of my best moments weren’t documented on facebook. Sure some photos and tags made me nostalgic, but all the fun stuff existed outside of social media. They were the rights of passage that made me the @danborrelli I am today. So I thought I’d share with you my list of 21 things you should do before you turn 21. Let me know what you think in the comments below or by tweeting at me @danborrelli
Clubbing is horrible, and the alcohol makes it worse. Clubbing under 21 is a different story. It's hilarious and scary and confusing and a horrible modern take on sock hops. 21 and under clubs are notorious for being the hang out spots of all the kids you probably don't want to hang out with. But there's a plus side. Going to one of these clubs can only prepare you for the future. It's important to learn the ins and outs of bottle service, when and when not to roofy, and how much surprise bump & grindage is TOO much surprise bump & grindage. Remember, it's all about preparing for your future.
Learn to love the Denny's, for this is your Cheers. After plays, basketball games, house parties; as you get older your Denny's experiences will grow as well. Pretty sure you'll be of age and spend most of your late nights at a bar until it closes and you have to go to some sketchy place in Chinatown that serves weird Saki until they kick you out at 4am and you dine and dash but then leave your wallet in the restaurant and have to go back hat-in-hand to get it. Or something like that...I'm just guessing...
If you haven't fallin in love with someone who has a foreign accent by the time you're 21 you're in danger of missing out on a key piece of adult nostalgia. The foreign romance is perfect at that age because it combines an endlessly expanding freedom with the notion of doin inappropriate stuff when everyone's asleep. It's the perfect in-between of summer camp and off campus college living. Don't miss out on it.
It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't even have to make sense. But perform a song/dance/stand up in front of as many people as possible; even if it's just once. Before you know it you'll be too old for this and way to scared to try it. Performing in front of people is an incredible experience. It makes you feel way less nervous simply talking to someone at a party, and it allows you a solid 2-3 minutes of uninterrupted attention. So take advantage of that and say something before you're old and bitter and the only record out there of your self-expression is a few angry youtube comments.
Just because it's awesome. You can never really outgrow the idea of go-karts. But you can certainly out grow the go-karts. TRUST me. I'm 6 '2 190. I look like if dumpy Hulk tried to drive a Power Wheels. Just enjoy it, before you know if you'll be spending half your day in the car and you'll lose sight of everything that's fun about reckless driving.
And I mean at a TERRIBLE job. It's a right of passage. I worked at 2 companies 6/7 years ago as a teenager that no longer even exist. It's good to get motivated, and cleaning bathrooms and dealing with asshole customers is more effective than any stay-in-school PSA could ever be. Plus if they try and close the store you work at you get to throw a concert on the roof and tell Liv Tyler you ARE going to art school after all.
Because you can! Every country in the world deals with the issue of free speech and how that effects demonstrations. We're in one of the few countries that doesn't kill you for demonstrating. Yes there are problems, but that's why we need to do it more. "If 10,000 people like this it'll end the war" is bullshit and social media has made us lazy in our activism. So get out there and cause a scene. It's the one thing more effective than even voting.
Because you're crazy not to? Boys, it will get you girls. Girls, it will get you anything you want. Plus it's just fun! And you don't even have to be good anymore. Power chords son! then whip out that garage band and go to town. Plus you get to have a band name; and that's a blast! Mine was Slicker Than Rick. Why? Because 'Murrca!
Play spin the bottle, get in trouble, mess up, listen to Neil Young songs. You only get one shot at this and for all the talk of "it gets better" it also gets jaded, and angry, and bitter, and physically unpleasant. So enjoy all the things you feel too embartassed to do, because they will be your best memories. When I was 18 some friends and i snuck into the hot tub/pool area of a VERY expensive hotel. We just walked right in like we owned the place. We talked to college girls that thought we were big shots, hung out, we had a blast...for a couple good hours before they chased us out of there like a monster in a Scooby Doo cartoon. It's still one of my favorite memories. So stop complaining about all your weird changes and wear your god damn sunscreen.
What’s your favorite under-age memory? Let me know by tweeting at me @DanBorrelli or in the comments below
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