Assassin’s Creed 3: a shipload of new gameplay footage, Ubisoft speaks

By Sam Clay

Assassin’s Creed 3 developer Ubisoft let VG247’s Sam Clay go hands-on with DNA sequence 6. Check out our impressions and footage below.

VG247 got hands on with Sequence 6, a mid point in Asassin’s Creed 3’s story. It’s far along enough in the story that we got to try out a batch of advanced weaponry and to see new locations such as the Homestead, Boston and the scenes of people throwing tea overboard, naturally.

We also got a chance to speak with Assassin’s Creed 3 lead gameplay designer, Steven Masters, and he explained everything you can expect to see during DNA Sequence 6 in the video below. Truth be told it’s definitely the best section of the game we’ve seen so far.

Oh, and someone drops a chamber pot of urine over someone’s head. Watch below if you want to laugh at someone drenched in stale piss.
