Banner Saga Factions to release in early November on PC and Mac

By Stephany Nunneley

Banner Saga Factions, the free-to-play multiplayer game by Stoic Studio, will arrive on PC and Mac in early November, the developers have announced.

The game uses the assets and combat from The Banner Saga, the RPG the studio Kickstarted back in the spring.

Factions is the combat-only version the studio previously announced.

“Basically we are developing the single-player game, and we realized we are doing all this work on the combat and it’s really fun to play,” art director Arnie Jorgensen told D’toid. “Why not just release the combat as we develop the full game?”

Banner Saga Factions will release first on PC and Mac with iPad and Ouya releases following later.

The Banner Saga itself will launch in early 2013.
