British tabloid slams Wii U: ‘it will be out-dated within a year’

By Dave Cook

British tabloid The Sun has expressed concern over the quality of Nintendo’s Wii U console in a new article that lists five reasons why you shouldn’t buy one.

MCV made the discovery, highlighting The Sun article’s negative approach to Wii U.

The piece, “Will you be picking up a Wii U? Here’s five reasons not to” flags up several issues with Wii U, including the impending release of PS4 and Xbox 720 causing Nintendo’s console to become outmoded, the PS Vita being a better version of the Wii U gamepad and the belief that the Wii U is ‘dramatically over-priced’.

What do you think of The Sun’s appraisal of Wii U? Fair, or jumping the gun? Let us know below.

Thanks again MCV.
