The Best Lab Partners from Movies and TV!

Jessica Poter

Nothing sexier than a guy who will dissect a fetal pig for you - amirite, ladies? Hollywood loves to put couples and unlikely duos in a lab partner situation because Forced Interaction + Stress Of A Deadline = Vampire Babies. (It’s an inexact algorithm.) Here are some of our favorite pairings.


Seth And Jules - Superbad

Jules is so much more than a domestic sciences lab partner to Seth. She basically restores his faith in the coolness of womankind. And who doesn’t love a good “I’m having way more fun than you!” montage?


Olivia And “Sebastian” – She’s The Man

lab partners shes man


This movie takes the whole falling-for-your-lab-partner thing and turns it on its head. “Sebastian” is really Amanda Bynes in man-drag, and Olivia is the girl Sebastian’s roommate (young Channing Tatum!) has a crush on. So when Olivia develops a crush on “Sebastian,” you know them hijinks be ensuing. Fun fact: “She’s the Man” is based on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” However, I doubt they had lab partners (or Channing Tatum’s abs!) back then.


The Lab Partners That Weren’t Juno And Bleeker – Juno

lab partners juno others


Juno and baby-daddy Paulie Bleeker kinda annoy me, so let’s instead focus on the awesome couple-fight played out by the other set of lab partners in that scene. She’s got menstrual cramps, but really she’s cranky because he allegedly cheated on her at his brother’s college after drinking too much Smirnoff Ice and Boone’s. She storms off before he actually admits fault, and we never hear from this couple again. Do I smell a spinoff??? (Bonus points if you recognize who the girl is!)


Lem And Phil – Better Off Ted

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If you’ve never seen Better Off Ted, you are doing Netflix incorrectly. Totally underrated, quickly canceled sitcom, featuring witty dialogue and THESE TWO CHARACTERS. They’re dorky, insecure geniuses that are partners in the research and development lab of an evil corporation. In the above picture, they are trying to figure out how to generate an insult using math.


Bella And Edward - Twilight

From what I understand, this was the ultimate meet cute. To me, this seems like a scene between two people who can’t process speech at a normal rate. I hesitate to write anything more about Twilight because I’m sure you guys are way more informed on this subject than I am. Knock yourselves out in the comments.


Walter White And Jesse Pinkman – Breaking Bad

Apparently meth-lab-mate Jesse Pinkman wasn’t supposed to last beyond the first season, but actor Aaron Paul’s chemistry with Walter (Bryan Cranston) was so awesome, they made him a permanent main character. And it’s true that the show couldn’t exist if we didn’t have one of these guys: Without Walter, Jesse would never have been able to keep his act together for an entire episode, and without Jesse, we wouldn’t be able to stand Walter for an entire episode. Honorable mention to The Fly, an equally deserving lab-partner/ drama-catalyst.


Mr. Lizard And Timmy – Dinosaurs

Anyone remember this? Amazing!

What other awesome lab partners can you think of? Let us know in the comments!

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