Verticus “free-falling superhero” iOS game announced by Stan Lee and Moonshark

By Stephany Nunneley

Verticus, an arcade-style free-falling superhero game, has been announced by Stan Lee and Moonshark at Comikaze.

In the game, the Earth’s core has been breached by aliens called Obliterators, and a hero by the name of Verticus – created by Stan Lee obviously – is the only one who can thwart the aliens’ plans.

“[Lee’s] DNA is really infused in the game,” Kozlov said. “You, Verticus, are singlehandedly responsible for the fate of the planet. That’s a very Stan Lee conflict,” Moonshark’s chief executive Matt Kozlov told the LA Times. “We have a lot of great plans to expand the universe and to dive even further into this world and these characters.”

Orbs and coins will be collected by players so their suit and weapons can be upgraded.

Lee’s voice and image is also being lent to the mission commander in Verticus.

Verticus will be available on iOS contraptions in the fall.
