20 Famous Albums Renamed After Their Covers

Francesco Marciuliano

Sometimes an album cover really does say it all.


album cover title nirvana nevermind change


album cover title beatles sgt peppers change


album cover title dark side moon change


album cover title American idiot change


album cover title Michael Jackson thriller change


album cover title kiss destroyer change


album cover title ready to die change


album cover title meatloaf bat hell change


album cover title rage evil empire change


album cover title purple rain prince change


album cover title radiohead ok computer change


album cover title dr dre chronic change


album cover title springsteen born usa change


album cover title blink 182 enema change


album cover title joy division unknownpleasures change


album cover title gun roses appetite change


album cover title Fleetwood mac rumours change


album cover title led zeppelin IV change


album cover title u2 joshua tree change


album cover title acdc back black change


What would you name your album? Let us know in the comments below!


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