Anyone who loves anime knows it’s not just about hyper cute, ocularly engorged, school children in short skirts fighting demons with the power of cleavage (nobody at Smosh has ever even heard about such a thing. WINK…oh no, I typed wink instead of winking. I hope nobody noticed). But the good stuff has a lot to teach us in between the awesome Engrish tunes in the credits.
To Get You Have to Give (Fullmetal Alchemist)
We all know the law of equivalent exchange: in order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed. This even applies to our normal, non-sibling in a suit of armor, lives as well. Nobody gets anything for free. The lottery comes with taxes, that puppy comes with responsibility and that reality show stardom comes with syphilis.
You’re Not Ageing, You’re Evolving (Pokémon)
There is nothing scarier than the thought of getting older and one day dying in a home unloved surrounded by disgruntled nurses from the Philippines. But think of it this way: you’re not getting older, you’re evolving! I know when I evolve I’m going to have so many tails!
Life is Better With A Fuzzy Best Friend (Every Anime Ever)
You’re never alone when you’ve got something that needs you to clean up their poop <3
Intimacy Can Lead to Changes, Good and Bad (Fruits Basket)
When the members of the Sohma family are touched by the opposite sex they turn into the animal members of the Chinese Zodiac. Just like when I touch boys, they turn into not calling me back members of the douche-iac. You hear that Evan!?
Sometimes, You Have to Let It Go (Cowboy Bebop)
People get so wrapped up in past loves and losses, petty vengeances and slights that they don’t see that there is so much more to life. You may think that going into a heavily armed facility for the love of a fickle dream woman who couldn’t treat you half as well as I could Spike! Julia is a fool, a damn fool! Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Words Can Kill (Death Note)
I don’t have to remind any of you what the effects of bullying can lead to, that’s what horribly depressing news items are for on your Facebook newsfeed. So instead of thinking about the poor souls who can’t see a brighter tomorrow because of the words set down by cruel hands, let’s look at these baby sloths being bathed:
Don’t Live For Your Parents (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Parents can’t help but have high expectations for the kind of person you’ll turn out to be. They shaked and baked you and are praying you don’t burn…someone’s house down. But there comes a point when you’ve got to live your own life and make your own choices and not get into that plug suit. My plugsuit was law school. Your plugsuit may vary.
What has anime taught you? Let me know on Twitter or leave a comment below!
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