Activision issues lay-offs at licensed games hub

By Brenna Hillier

Activision has cut 30 jobs at its Minneapolis office, in preparation for cutting its output of third-party licensed games.

In a statement, the publisher said that “like any successful business” it makes regular adjustments to align costs with revenues.

“This is an ongoing process. In 2013, we expect that our Minneapolis division will release fewer games based on third-party licenses than we released during 2012. As a result, we are realigning the structure of our Activision Minneapolis division to better reflect our slate and the market opportunities.”

The company told Joystiq that the 30 affected employees wouldn’t be left entirely in the cold of icy redundancy.

“We are working to redirect those employees that are impacted to other parts of the company where possible, as well as offering them outplacement counseling services,” it said.

The affected staff were all from the publishing side of the business rather than development studio employees. Activision’s Minneapolis team is behind the Cabela hunting games as well as many James Bond licensed titles.
