Cancelled Romino effort Snowball Earth looks amazing

By Brenna Hillier

This cancelled Romino title is so charming I am even now writing hate mail to the entire games industry for failing to bring it to market.

Snowball Earth is a project Romino was working on prior to Swords & Soldiers and Awesomenauts; it was shopped around publishers in 2007, but after failing to secure a contract, was shelved in 2008.

Although it’s probably lost to time now, Romino has been kind enough to share its hard work with the world, releasing the pitch trailer, some screenshots, and most delightfully, a demo.

Built during the team’s final year at university, Snowball Earth was intended for full retail release on Wii, and concerns the adventures of a robot who accidentally triggers an ice age. Sent to Earth to correct this mistake our hero discovers a fridge compnay in cahoots with a group of yetis to cover the planet with cold. He and his robot dogs must counter this corporate menace.

Looking at the footage in this trailer, it’s hard to believe this game was only in the works for a year – and made by busy students, no less. Read more about the project on Joost Van Dongen’s blog.
