Cartoon Characters That Should Date

Charley Feldman

It’s a shame so many cartoons live in their separate worlds and never get to meet other cartoons. It must be hard to find love sometimes when you’re the sidekick or the villain or have no Internet access. Good thing I’m here to matchmake two-dimensional (for a nominal fee aka a bag of Smarties).


Dora and Mac

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At 8 years old apiece, they’re not ready to date for serious. But, they could playdate the sh*&# out of an afternoon. Both are into adventures through ones imagination and both have an extensive entourage of colorful friends.


Trent and Marceline

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Marceline is every guy in a goth band’s dream: She’s cool, she can wail and she’s (un)dead. And hey, if it doesn’t work out, she’d make a better frontwoman to Mystik Spiral anyways.


Milhouse and Meg

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In all of cartoon history there are no cartoon characters more comically kicked around than Milhouse and Meg. It would be a cosmic courtesy if these two found one another and made sweet geek love hopefully away from all prying eyes. Everything’s coming up Meghouse!


Bender and Rosie

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Look. I’m not just putting them together because they’re the same species. I just think Rosie, in her maids costume, harbors a kinked out side Bender would totally knock bolts with.


Master Shredder and Cobra Commander

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Their date would be them doing this for hours.

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Who makes the cutest couple? Did I miss any potential love connections/slash fictions? Let me know on Twitter  @charleyfeldman or in the comments below!

Check Out 12 Cartoon Charcters I Wanna Date!
