Demi Lovato Spoils National Anthem At The World Series?

Daniel Dominguez

Demi Lovato sang like she had at least four extra throats waiting at home at Game 4 of the World Series this weekend.

final fantasy
Here, Final Fantasy characters pay tribute to Demi Lovato by using the "Demi" spell, which is named after her.

The callous clickhounds at eonline Trashed Demi for adding several hundred extra notes to the word "air." No doubt the word air has never taken that long to sing. They're not wrong about that. But I actually thought she did a pretty inspiring job. Considering my fairly negative feelings about nation-states and patriotism, the fact that for a moment listening to Demi sing about how brave Americans are I almost forgot how many of them I see riding around on motorized grocery store carts because they're too overweight to walk towards the pumpkin pies they want to buy... is pretty amazing.

fat americans
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, two women buy forty pound bags of malt balls.

Several websites, not just eonline, accused Demi Lovato of using the opportunity to showboat. But I don't see anything wrong with working hard and using all your gifts to make what you are singing sound as beautiful as you can. Look, I'm the last person to defend Demi Lovato, or attack her for that matter. I don't know that lady. Why would I have an opinion about her. But when I read people talking smack on her national anthem rendition I just feel like Haters gonna Hate.

haters gonna hate
One of Demi Lovato's most vocal critics realizes the emptiness of his diatribes says more about him than it does the target of his ire. Shortly thereafter he died of a broken heart.

But don't take my word for it. Judge for yourself. See how much intensity she sings with. She certainly didn't phone it in. About the only thing I can see that she did wrong while singing the National Anthem was not ride a predator drone into the stadium, back flip off of it wrapped in an American flag, and throw off the flag revealing an American Flag Bikini.

Why do you think people online be haters so much of the time? Let us know in the comments below!


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